etherlime coverage


etherlime coverage [path] [timeout] [port] [runs] [solcVersion] [buildDirectory] [workingDirectory] [shouldOpenCoverage]


  • path - [Optional] By specifying path you can set a path to a selected directory or you can set the path directly to the javascript file which contains your tests. By default the path points to ./test.
  • timeout - [Optional] This parameter defines the test timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 2000 ms.
  • port - [Optional] The port to run the solidity coverage testrpc (compatible with etherlime ganache deployer). Default: 8545.
  • runs - [Optional] By specifying number runs you can enable the optimizer of the compiler with the provided number of optimization runs to be executed. Compilation is always performed by solidity coverage.
  • solcVersion - [Optional] By specifying solcVersion you can choose a specific solc version to be used for compilation and coverage reports.
  • buildDirectory - [Optional] By specifying buildDirectory you can choose which folder to use for reading builded contracts from, instead of the default one: ./build.
  • workingDirectory - [Optional] By specifying workingDirectory you can choose which folder to use for reading contracts from, instead of the default one: ./contracts.
  • html - [Optional] By specifying html you can choose either to open automatically with you default browser the html coverage report located in: ./coverage. Defaults to false.