etherlime zk

In order to start a project with Zero Knowledge Proof, please refer to etherlime init command.

Available Commands:

Circuit Compilation

  • etherlime zk compile Running this command will compile a circuit file located in zero-knowledge-proof/circuits and generates a new folder compiled-circuits.

Establish Trusted Setup

  • etherlime zk setup Running this command will establish a trusted setup based on compiled circuit and generates a folder trusted setup with proving_key and verification_key. The command reads the compiled circuit from zero-knowledge-proof/compiled-circuits.

Generate ZK Proof

  • etherlime zk proof [signal] [circuit] [provingKey] Running this command will generates a proof based on compiled circuit, public signal input and proving key. A new folder generated-proof is generated with proof and public_signals. This proof can be used for off-chain Zero-Knowledge-Proof verification.

    • signal - [Optional] Specifies the file with public signals input to be used for generating a proof. Defaults to input.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/input folder.
    • circuit - [Optional] Specifies the compiled circuit for checking of matched signals. Defaults to: circuit.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/compiled-circuits folder.
    • provingKey - [Optional] Specifies the prooving key to be used for generating a proof. Defaults to: circuit_proving_key.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/trusted-setup folder.

Verify Proof (Off-chain)

  • etherlime zk verify [publicSignals] [proof] [verifierKey] Running this command will generates a verifier based on public signals file that comes out of the proof command, the proof itself and verifier key. A new folder verified-proof is generated with output.json file.

    • publicSignals - [Optional] Specifies the file with signals to be used for generating verifying a proof. Defaults to circuit_public_signals.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/generated-proof folder.
    • proof - [Optional] Specifies the compiled proof that would be used for generating a proof based on it. Defaults to: circuit_proof.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/generated-proof folder.
    • verifierKey - [Optional] Specifies the verifier key to be used for generating a proof. Defaults to: circuit_verification_key.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/trusted-setup folder.
    output.json file has two params:
    • verified - whatever the proof is verified or not
    • timestamp - identifier for the time that event occurs

Generate Smart Contract for On-Chain Verification

  • etherlime zk generate [verifierKey] Generates a verifier smart contract based on verification key which can be used for on-chain verification. The smart contract is written in contracts folder and it is ready to be compiled and deployed with etherlime compile and etherlime deploy. The verifier smart contract has a public view method verifyProof that can be called for on-chain verification. You can generate the call parameters with etherlime zk-generate-call cli command.

    • verifierKey - [Optional] Specifies the verifier key to be used for generating a verifier smart contract. Defaults to: circuit_verification_key.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/generated-proof folder.

Generate output call based for On-chanin Verification

  • etherlime zk call [publicSignals] [proof] Running this command will generates a call based on proof and public signals. A new folder generated-call is generated with generatedCall.json file. This generated call can be used for on-chain verification, for calling public view method verifyProof of the generated verifier contract with this data.

    • publicSignals - [Optional] Specifies the file with signals to be used for generating verifying a proof. Defaults to circuit_public_signals.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/generated-proof folder.
    • proof - [Optional] Specifies the compiled proof that would be used for generating a proof based on it. Defaults to: circuit_proof.json read from zero-knowledge-proof/generated-proof folder.