etherlime compile

Running this command will compile all smart contracts along with imported sources. The command comes with integrated solidity and vyper compiler and would automatically fetch all files with ‘.sol’ and ‘.vy’ extensions and would record the compiled json object in ‘./build’ folder. Note! To enable the vyper compiler you need to have running docker.


etherlime compile [dir] [runs] [solcVersion] [docker] [list] [all] [quiet] [output] [buildDirectory] [workingDirectory] [deleteCompiledFiles]


  • dir - [Optional] By specifying dir you can set the root directory where to read the contracts and place the build folder. By default dir is set to the current working directory ./
  • runs - [Optional] By specifying runs between 1 and 999 you enabled the optimizer and set how many times the optimizer will be run. By default the optimizer is not enabled.
  • solcVersion - [Optional] By specifying solcVersion you can set the version of the solc which will be used for compiling the smart contracts. By default it use the solc version from the node_modules folder.
  • docker - [Optional] When you want to use a docker image for your solc you should set docker=true in order solcVersion to accept the passed image.
  • list - [Optional] By specifying list you can list the available solc versions. The following values can be used: docker, releases, prereleases and latestRelease. By default only 10 version are listed
  • all - [Optional] By specifying all together with list you will be able to list all available solc versions.
  • quiet - [Optional] Disable verboseness during compilation. By the default quiet is set to false.
  • output - [Optional] Defines the way that the logs are shown. Choices: none - silences the output of logs, normal - see verbose logs in the console and structured - structured output in a file meant for inter program communication.
  • buildDirectory - [Optional] Defines the directory for placing builded contracts.
  • workingDirectory - [Optional] Defines the folder to use for reading contracts from, instead of the default one: ./contracts. Here can be specified also a single solidity file for compiling e.g: /contracts/LimeFactory.sol.
  • deleteCompiledFiles - [Optional] Delete the files in the compilation contract directory before compiling. By the default deleteCompiledFiles is set to false.
  • exportAbi - [Optional] In addition to the json build files, etherlime build abis folder with files containing the abi of every contract

The solcVersion can accept the following values:

  • <undefined> - passing undefined or simply don’t using the solcVersion argument will use the solc version from the local node_modules
  • <version> - you can pass directly the version of the solc. Example: --solcVersion=0.4.24
  • <image> - the image which will be used to load the solc into the docker. Example: nightly-0.4.25-a2c754b3fed422b3d8027a5298624bcfed3744a5
  • <path> - you can pass the absolute path to a local solc
  • <native> - when you set the solc version argument to native the compiler is using the solc globally installed on your machine

Here is example of result:

Compilation result