
Deployer functionality

The main functionality the deployer exposes is (obviously) the ability to deploy compiled contract.

This is achieved through the deploy(contract, [libraries], [params]) function.

deploy(contract, [libraries], [params])


  • contract - descriptor object for contract to be deployed. More details below
  • libraries - key-value object containing all libraries which will be linked to the contract.
  • params - the constructor params you’d need to pass on deploy (if there are any)

The contract is descriptor object that needs to have atleast the following three fields:

  • contractName - the name of the contract
  • abi - the abi interface of the contract
  • bytecode - the compiled bytecode

The easiest way to get such descriptor is to compile your solidity files via etherlime compile

The libraries object should be in the following format:

    libraryName0: '0xAddressOfLibrary0',
    libraryName1: '0xAddressOfLibrary1'

If the contract to be deployed doesn’t contains any libraries, {}, undefined, null, false or 0 can be passed. For convenience we have made the deploy function to work even without this parameter passed.


Linking libraries

const contractUsingQueueAndLinkedList = require('...');

const libraries = {
    Queue: '0x655341AabD39a5ee0939796dF610aD685a984C53,
    LinkedList: '0x619acBB5Dafc5aC340B6de4821835aF50adb29c1'

await deployer.deploy(contractUsingQueueAndLinkedList, libraries);

Skipping linking on contract without arguments

const contractWithoutLibraries = require('...');

await deployer.deploy(contractWithoutLibraries);

Skipping linking on contract with arguments

const contractWithoutLibraries = require('...');

await deployer.deploy(contractWithoutLibraries, false, param1, param2);

deployAndVerify(contract, [libraries], [params])

The main functionality the deployAndVerify exposes is (obviously) the ability to deploy and then verify compiled contract on Etherscan. This method exposes the same features as deploy method, but in addition automatically verifies the deployed smart contract using Etherscan API with Etherscan API Key.

In order to use the deployAndVerify method of the deployer, an Etherscan API Key is used. You can create your Etherscan API Key here.


  • contract - descriptor object for contract to be deployed. More details below
  • libraries - key-value object containing all libraries which will be linked to the contract.
  • params - the constructor params you’d need to pass on deploy (if there are any)

The deployment method reads the API Key form the deployer defaultOverrides object.

Passing API Key to the deployer:

  • Passing the API Key to the defaultOverrides object:
deployer.defaultOverrides = { gasLimit: 4700000, gasPrice: 3000000000, etherscanApiKey: '3DQYBPZZS77YDR15NKJHURVTV9WI2KH6UY' };
  • Setting the API Key through the deployer setVerifierApiKey setter:
  • Passing the API Key from etherlime deploy command with optional parameter etherscanApiKey:
    etherlime deploy –secret=”Your private key” –network=”rinkeby” –etherscanApiKey=”3DQYBPZZS77YDR15NKJHURVTV9WI2KH6UY”
const deploy = async (network, secret, etherscanApiKey) => {
const deployer = new etherlime.InfuraPrivateKeyDeployer(secret, network, "INFURA_API_KEY");
deployer.defaultOverrides = { gasLimit: 4700000, gasPrice: 3000000000, etherscanApiKey };

Network is automatically detected based on the network that the deployer is set to deploy. The supported networks are:

  • mainnet
  • ropsten
  • rinkeby
  • kovan
  • goerli

estimateGas(contract, [libraries], [params])

Estimates the gas that this transaction is going to cost you.


  • contract - descriptor object for contract to be deployed
  • libraries - key-value object containing all libraries which will be linked to the contract.
  • params - the constructor params you’d need to pass on deploy (if there are any)

The contract is descriptor object is the same as above.


const estimate = await deployer.estimateGas(TestContract, randomParam1, randomParam2);
// returns something like "2470692"



InfuraPrivateKeyDeployer(privateKey, network, apiKey, [defaultOverrides])


  • privateKey - The private key to the deployment wallet/signer instance
  • network - network as found in ethers.providers.networks
  • apiKey - your Infura API key
  • defaultOverrides - [Optional] object overriding the deployment settings for gasPrice , gasLimit and chainId.
const etherlime = require('etherlime');

const TestContract = require('./TestContract.json');

const defaultConfigs = {
    gasPrice: 20000000000,
    gasLimit: 4700000,
    chainId: 0 // Suitable for deploying on private networks like Quorum

const deploy = async (network, secret) => {

    const deployer = new etherlime.InfuraPrivateKeyDeployer('Your Private Key Goes Here', 'ropsten', 'Your Infura API Key', defaultConfigs);

    const result = await deployer.deploy(TestContract, '0xda8a06f1c910cab18ad187be1faa2b8606c2ec86', 1539426974);


deployer . setPrivateKey (privateKey)
  • privateKey - The private key to the deployment wallet/signer instance
deployer . setNetwork (network)
  • network - network as found in ethers.providers.networks
deployer . setApiKey (apiKey)
  • apiKey - your Infura API key
deployer . setDefaultOverrides (defaultOverrides)
  • defaultOverrides - object overriding the deployment settings for gasPrice , gasLimit and chainId.
deployer . setSigner (signer)
  • signer - ethers.Wallet instance
deployer . setProvider (provider)
  • provider - ethers.provider instance
deployer . setVerifierApiKey (etherscanApiKey)
  • etherscanApiKey - Etherscan API Key


const deployer = new etherlime.InfuraPrivateKeyDeployer(privateKey, network, apiKey, defaultConfigs);
const newNetwork = 'ropsten';


JSONRPCPrivateKeyDeployer(privateKey, nodeUrl, [defaultOverrides])


  • privateKey - The private key to the deployment wallet/signer instance
  • nodeUrl - the url to the node you are trying to connect (local or remote)
  • defaultOverrides - [Optional] object overriding the deployment settings for gasPrice , gasLimit and chainId.
const etherlime = require('etherlime');

const TestContract = require('./TestContract.json');

const defaultConfigs = {
    gasPrice: 20000000000,
    gasLimit: 4700000,
    chainId: 0 // Suitable for deploying on private networks like Quorum

const deploy = async (network, secret) => {

    const deployer = new etherlime.JSONRPCPrivateKeyDeployer('Your Private Key Goes Here', 'http://localhost:8545/', defaultConfigs);

    const result = await deployer.deploy(TestContract);


deployer . setPrivateKey (privateKey)
  • privateKey - The private key to the deployment wallet/signer instance
deployer . setNodeUrl (nodeUrl)
  • nodeUrl - the url to the node you are trying to connect (local or remote)
deployer . setDefaultOverrides (defaultOverrides)
  • defaultOverrides - object overriding the deployment settings for gasPrice , gasLimit and chainId.
deployer . setSigner (signer)
  • signer - ethers.Wallet instance
deployer . setProvider (provider)
  • provider - ethers.provider instance
deployer . setVerifierApiKey (etherscanApiKey)
  • etherscanApiKey - Etherscan API Key


const deployer = new etherlime.JSONRPCPrivateKeyDeployer(privateKey, nodeUrl, defaultOverrides);
    const newNodeUrl = http://localhost:9545;


EtherlimeGanacheDeployer([privateKey], [port], [defaultOverrides])


  • privateKey - [Optional] The private key to the deployment wallet/signer instance. Defauts to the first one in the etherlime ganache
  • port - [Optional] the port you’ve ran the etherlime ganache on. Defaults to 8545.
  • defaultOverrides - [Optional] object overriding the deployment settings for gasPrice , gasLimit and chainId.

This deployer only works with etherlime ganache

const etherlime = require('etherlime');

const TestContract = require('./TestContract.json');

const defaultConfigs = {
    gasPrice: 20000000000,
    gasLimit: 4700000,
    chainId: 0 // Suitable for deploying on private networks like Quorum

const deploy = async (network, secret) => {

    const deployer = new etherlime.EtherlimeGanacheDeployer();

    const result = await deployer.deploy(TestContract);


deployer . setPrivateKey (privateKey)
  • privateKey - The private key to the deployment wallet/signer instance
deployer . setPort (port)
  • port - the port you’ve ran the etherlime ganache on.
deployer . setDefaultOverrides (defaultOverrides)
  • defaultOverrides - object overriding the deployment settings for gasPrice , gasLimit and chainId.
deployer . setNodeUrl (nodeUrl)
  • nodeUrl - the url to the node you are trying to connect (local or remote)
deployer . setSigner (signer)
  • signer - ethers.Wallet instance
deployer . setProvider (provider)
  • provider - ethers.provider instance
deployer . setVerifierApiKey (etherscanApiKey)
  • etherscanApiKey - Etherscan API Key


const deployer = new etherlime.EtherlimeGanacheDeployer();
const port = 9545;